The Anthropocene Project

The Anthropocene Film Collection



Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Dawn, 2017, 6:40
Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Oaktown, 2019, 17:00
Alterazioni Video and Luca Babini (Italy) – Black Rain, 2011, 10:00
Antonio Alvarado (Spain) – Hand moon cimera, 2023, 5:27
Pierre Avajon (France) – Forever Change, 2019, 2:50
Pierre Ajavon (France) – Lost Garden, 2018, 4:16


Maureen Bachaus (NL) – The end or the beginning, 2013, 1:37
Pat Badani (USA) – Al Grano : Corn Regime, 2011, 7:37
Patricio Ballesteros Ledesma (Argentina) – Never Stop Sowing, 2018, 11:54
Patricio Ballesteros Ledesma (Argentina) – NO ON, 2019, 3:46
Alfred Banze, Christine Falk, Agus Nur Amal (Germany) – Sweet Plastic, 2024, 12:00
Tova Beck-Friedman (USA) – Greenland Ice Cap Is Melting Faster Than Forecast, 2022, 3:17
Tova Beck-Friedman (USA) – Gaia Regards Her Children, 2017, 2:46
Tova Beck-Friedman (USA) – Arrogance, 2021, 3:03
Pete Belkin and Lauren Hartman (USA) – Dream Resort, 2023, 10:17
Nicola Bergström Hansen (Sweden) -Over the Rainbow, 2012, 6:57
Marie-Paule Bilger and Jean-Baptiste Friquet (France) – Conversation, 2019, 3ʼ51
Gali Blay (Israel) – Panicutopia-the Desertark, 2017, 4:00
Sara Bonaventura (Italy) – Iconoplast, 2021, 8:00
Claudia Borgna (Italy) – L’ultimo Accordo I, 2016, 06:05
Claudia Borgna (Italy) – Sweep and Weep, Weep and Sweep, Under, Over, In, Out, Away, 2010, 11:09
Collin Bradford (USA) – Deep Horizon, 2013, 6:35
Viktor Brim (Germany) – monoscape, 2017, 16:00
Brit Bunkley (NZ) – Natural Intelligence, 2024 – 7:11
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Pillar of Cloud, 2016, 4:00B
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Pillar of Fire, 2021, 6:59
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Fleeced,2009, 4:22
David R. Burns (USA) – Aśānti (Discomfort) Wake up!, 2019, 02:10


Laura & Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Hole – Agujero, 2024, 09:26
Laura & Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Climate Dementia, 2019, 3:51
Laura & Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Climate Disorder, 2019, 4:18
Laura & Sira Cabrera Diaz (Spain) – Between Species, 2021, 9:16
Laura & Sira Cabrera Diaz (Spain) – Sintonizar con la Natura / Tune in to Nature, 2021, 9:43
Augusto Calçada (Brazil) – Selfie-destructionm 2024, 4:50
Lana Z. Caplan (USA) – Canaries in the Mine, 2015, 8:19
Leonardo Cardamone (Italy) – Untitled, 2024, 11.04
Luigia Cardarelli (Italy) – The Nature, 2024, 01:38
Michael Carmody & Elissa Goodrich (Australia) – Common Time, 2018, 12:23
Coalfather Industries (USA) – User History, 2016, 6:02
Vanessa Cardui (Germany) – The green thread, 2021, 6:38
Vanessa Cardui (Germamy) – Nature Dance, 2021, 1:00
Alejandro Casales N. & Esther Lamneck (Mexico) – Broken Space in Fractal Way, 2023, 08:49
Claude Ciccolella (France) – Under the Golden Leaves, 2021, 8;50
S.Chandrasekaran (Singapore) – Ephemeral Reality, 2024, 5:00
Oksana Chepelyk (Ukraine) – Ecocide, 2023, 9:49
Citron | Lunardi (Italy) – Compost n.2, 2022, 3:31
Louise Coetzer (RSA) – Dead Air, 2011, 5:12
Joanot Cortes (Spain) – Animalism, 2010, 8:35
Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia) – Even The Birds Know It, 2017, 2:55
Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia) – The Lungs, 2022, 5:00


Nancy Davies (USA) – ‘Fugue (a storm is blowing from paradise), 2016 , 3:39
Davide De Lillis (Italy) – Cave Aquam, 2023, 8:29
Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani (Togo) – Keke, 2021, 5:00
Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani (Togo) – Rising Water, 2023, 3:17
Robert Dohrmann (USA) – All Systems Go – Neil Armstrong, 2009, 3:16
Eric Barry Drasin (USA) – Neoliberalism: A Pejorative Valence, 2023, 8:02
Sivana Dunat (Croatia) – The skies will always be above , 2019, 3:25


Kokou Ekouagou (Togo) – Stand Up, 2020, 1:46
Georgia Elizey & Tim Riley (UK) – Walking Over Stones, 2023, 7:36
Jonas Ersland (Norway) – Glacier Sans, 2019, 2:37


Manuel Ferrer and Alena Mesarosova (Spain/Slovakia) – Irreal Time, 2012, 3:30
Rick Fisher (Canada) – Arcadia, 2014, 4:49
FONTE & POE (Alessandro Fonte, Shawnette Poe)(Italy) – The Trial Loop, 2016, 4:24
Ben Fox (UK) – Recent Tactile Nonsense, 2012, 2:17
Gwendolyn Audrey Foster (USA) – Memento Mori, 2017, 6:34
Kristina Frank (Sweden) – Take to the woods, 2011, 6:01
Kristina Frank /Mervi Kekarainen (Sweden) – 2Rabbits in Purgatorio, 2019, 05:11
Kristina Frank (Sweden) – Earth One Minute, 2013, 1:42
Matt Frieburghaus (USA) – Water Collection, 2017, 4:00
Shigetoshi Furutani (Japan) – Galassie, 2017, 5:00


Yossi Galanti (IL) – Seed Bit, 2024, 02:14
Yossi Galanti (Israel) – Green Bag in the First Act, 2021, 4:03
Anna Garner (USA) – Sequential Interaction (USA), 2013, 1:54
Adrien Gaumé (France) – Dry by innocence, 2018, 4:53
Caspar de Gelmimi (Germany) – Life in the future, 2020, 4:50
Silvia De Gennaro (Italy) – Rubbish world, 2012, 4:05
Johannes Christopher Gérard (NL) – Dream Plant 2, 2022, 2:50
Johannes Gerard (NL ) – . Constantly Floating – So Rising, 2019, 5:20
Ian Gibbins (Australia) – Are We There Yet?, 2023, 04:13
Ian Gibbins (Australia) – Ferrovores, 2021, 5:30
Ian Gibbins (Australia) – floodtide, 2018, 8:00
Ian Gibbins (Australia) – Colony Collapse, 2019, 3:54
Marcus Keim/Beate Hecher (Austria) – Pangäa, 2020, 13:00
Stine Gonsholt (Norway) – Test 4.1, 2017, 6:12
Julio César Guzmán Villarpando (Bolivia) – The Positive Value Of Powerlessness, 2019, 05:20


Farid Hamedi // Rohina (Iran) – A Chair For All, 2019, 7:44
Xia Han (China) – The Gift, 2019, 14: 23Dee Hood (USA) – Game of Chance, 2019, 2.02
Dee Hood (USA) – The Powers That Be, 2022, 2.29
Dee Hood (USA) – Game of Chance, 2019, 2.02
Dee Hood (USA) – Ghost Forest, 2020, 3:46
Finn Harvor (South Korea) – The Suicide of Earth: Paper Straws, 2023, 1:00
Dan Hudson (Canada) – River, 2011, 3:00


Ebba Jahn (Germany) – Along Thorns, 2021, 3:21
Ebba Jahn (Germany) – For Soy / Für Soja, 2022, 1:00
Shelley Jordon (USA) – SeeChange, 2017, 7:29


Oleg Kharch (Ukraine) – Fakemet, 2019, 3:46
Ronit Keret (Il) – Abyss, 2021 , 01:49
Mari Keski-Korsu (Finland) – Albedo Logger, 2013, 06:08
Caryn Kline (USA) – Butterfly Disaster, 2019, 06:50
Uri Kloss (Israel) – Word, 2017, 1:29
Dmitry Kmelnitsky (USA) – URTH LING, 2019, 3:43
Francois Knoetze (South Africa) – Cape Mongo – Metal, 2015, 5:00
Francois Knoetze (South Africa) – Paper, 2012, 5:00
Francois Knoetze (South Africa) – Plastic, 2012, 5:00
Kenji Kojima (Japan) – Anthropocene, Spaceship Earth, Bees, Boneset Flower, 2023, 10:00
Maria Korporal (NL) – Breathing Bags, 2021, 3:18
Maria Korporal (Netherlands) – Emergency Call, 2019, 5:19
Maria Korporal (Netherlands) – Thinking with my Knee – original: Denken mit dem Knie, 2021, 1:49
Carolin Koss (Finland) – Plastic Child, 2016, 12:11
Fenia Kotsopoulou (Greece) – On the streambed, 2019, 03:43
Szymon Krzyżanowski (Pl) – VHS, 2016, 1:00
Makis Kyriakopoulos (Greece) – Medusa, , 2023, 7:36


Lea Lahoud (Lebanon) – Salt, 2011, 12:45
Savio Leite (Brazil) – Lacrimosa, 2019, 3:00
Gabrielle Lenhard (USA) – Flower Pwr, 2019, 02:56
Xavier Leton (France) – Uncovered Earth, 2019, 2: 36
Elisabeth Leister (USA) – Strange Loop, 2014, 6.45
Enoh B. Lienemann (Germany) FLOOD, 2017, 7:24
Francesca Lolli (Italy) – The last day of humanity , 2014, 01:49
Diego de Los Campos (Uruguay) – Still Life, 2012, 2:28
Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) – 370 New World, 2014, 5:07
Marcantonio Lunardi /Italy) – Pietas for you, 2023, 3:55
Lilit Lysa (Ukraine) – Humanity’s Path, 2023, 3:15


Eleni Magklara, Stelios Papiemidoglou, Efi Roufagala (Greece) – IMPRINT, 2019, 3:10
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Seeds, 2012, 5:03
Kim Maree (New Zealand) – Masterplan, 2019, 9:58
Boris Marinin (Israel) – Greenhouse, 2019, 3:19
Benna Gaean Maris (Italy) – artists and the caveman, 2017, 12:33
Elke H. Markopoulos / Rainer Ludwigs (Germany) – Message of the Animals, 2016, 8:57
Ana Isabel Martén (Costa Rica) – Compass 1, 2019, 4:23
Chris May (USA) – Oasis, 2023, 1:47
Albert Merino (Spain) – Memories of Detachment, 2021, 18:00
Muriel Montini (France) – Constellation, 2011, 5:00
Mikael Muraz (France) – 25 Years later, 2012, 1:00
James Murphy (Ireland) – Moving Water, 2019, 1:59
My Name is Scot (Canada) – Anthropocene Antiphony, 2017, 1:00


Stephen Nachtigall (Canada) – Yellow Forest, 2019, 7:34
Jeremy Newman (USA) – The Dreaming Biome, 2020, 8:00


Mehmet ÖGÜT (Turkey) – THE BASKET SELLER), 2014, 5: 40
Aaron Oldenburg (USA) – Nightwalk, 2021, 1:00
João Pedro Oliveira (Portugal) – Storms, 2018, 8:00
Fran Orallo (Spain) – Death Dance, 2017, 1:00
Fran Orallo (UK/Spain) – 2123, 2023, 4:45
Olivia Mia Orozco Saper & Marlene Coronel (USA) – Below, the endless stones”m 2024, 16:16


Renata Padovan (Brazil) – Aral Mermaid, 2015, 4:12
Renata Padovan (Brazil) – The Scale of Desaster, 2013, 9:41
Andreas Papadopoulos (Greece) – Point of departure_Athens III, 2021, 03:18
Gioula Papadopoulou (Greece) – When I was the Moon, 2020, 6:10
Olga Papadopoulou (Gr) – Doomed, 2023, 6:06
Muriel Paraboni (Brazil) – Fine Grain, 2024, 4:20
Irena Paskali (Macedonia) – 2202m, 2018, 2:36
Irina Paskali (Macedomia) – Two of us, 2020, 3:00
Luis Patino (Spain) – Echoes of the Forest, 2012, 6:52
Matthew Pell (UK) – Bridges 105C, 105D, 106, 107, 2019, 4:38
Isabel Perez del Pulgar (Spain) – Horizon, 2019, 5:08
Susanne Layla Petersen (Denmark) – The End of The World As We Know It, 2021, 4:25
Mikey Peterson (USA) – Gloriosa Superba, 2019, 3:52
Mikey Peterson (USA) – Slip Away, 2014, 2:24
Mikey Peterson (USA) – Through The Rift, 2021, 6:58
Mikey Peterson (USA) – Terra’s Tomb, 2023, 6:19
Ruzan Petrosyan (Armenia) – Wash My soul , 2019, 5:31
Lisi Prada (Spain) – ELECTRonIC water, 2013, 3:14


Marek Ranis (USA) – Like Shishmaref, 2016, 16:00
Adrian Regnier (Mexico) – Y., 2016, 5:00
Oliver Ressler (Austria) – Everything’s coming together while everything’s falling apart: Limity jsme my, 2020, 10:26
Belén Robeda (Argentina) – Nature fiction, 2020, 2:05
Jean-Michel Rolland (France) – Waste, 2018, 4:08
Jean-Michel Rolland (France) – Vaches:Decoupage, 2021, 3:46
Jean-Michel Rolland (France) – Anthropocene:Tortures, 2023, 02:43
Farhanaz Rupaidha (Indonesia) – Techno Inferno, 2019, 5:24
Dénes Ruzsa (Hungary) – +1°C, 2009, 1:57
Krzysztof Rynkiewicz (Poland) – The 5th Season, 2019, 4:23


s/n (Jennida Chase & Hassan Pitts) – The Lost / existence before essence, 2024, 10:48
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Distortion 1, 2022. 04:22
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Today, 2019, 5:00 // I like to Fly, 2019, 1:12
Atom Samit (Spain) – The Stone Fountain, 2017, 03:08
Mauricio Sanhueza (Peru) – Sushi 2.0, 2023, 1:12
Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – Forbidden Fruit, 2009, 4.40
Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – A Dirty Holiday, 2005, 7:00
Marcha Schagen (NL) – Melt Less CO2, 2019, 3:48
Julia Schauerman (UK) – Peat Song, 2021, 5:28
Shivkumar K V (India) – Being Back to Nature, 2020, 4:07
Ahmed Tahsin Shams (USA) – THEY ENVISIONED…, 2023, 7:59
Arie Sigal & Ben-David Sigal (Israel) – Perlite, 2018, 4:17
Ronnie Sluik (NL) – ronnie s attempts green animist genderfriendly artistic research, 2019, 1:43
Mariusz Soltysik (Poland) – Bang-puke homo-sapiens, 2023, 12:04
Alan Sondheim (USA) – American Life, 2018, 6:03
Michael Spahr (Switzerland) – Remember Civilization…?! Part Two – The Drought, 2019, 1:43
Roderick Steel (Brazil) – Water, I will be Air, 2021, 6:00
Gabriele Stellbaum (Germany) – Shame, 2019, 1:11
Julie Stephenson (Australia) – Melting Memory, 2019, 2:34
Lino Strangis (Italy) – DREAMLIKE OF A PRESENT FUTURE, 2019, 4’49”
Studio Third World Collective (India) – Watermark 1# SOS, 2017-2018, 2:00
Jila Svicevic (Estonia) – Mindfield, 2020, 4:44


Cristian Tapies Goldenberg (Chile) – War on humans, 2023, 5:17
Eija Temisevä (Finland) – An Attempt to be Earth, 2016, 5:15
Karin Till (Australia) – Song of Elements, 2015, 9:28
Andrea Torrice (USA) – A Message from the Island of Kiribati, 2013, 5:11
Paul Turano (USA) – Toxic Red Sludge, 2010, 5:00


Alina Vasilchenko (Russia) – The Crows, 2014, 3:30
Alina Vasilchenko (Russia) – The Tree, 2020, 1:23
Javier Velasquez Cabrero (Spain) – My City a Bit Cleaner From Advertising, 2012, 6:00
Elena Vertikova (PL) – 395 M N.P.M. (original), 2023, 3:23
Elena Vertikova (Poland) – Under Certain Circumstances, 2021, 3:00
Pierre Villemin (France) – So Small With Great Ideas, 2022, 8:50
Moshe Vollach (Israel) – 31 Cubes, 2013-2016, 8:35
Roberto Voorbij (NL) – #PeopleChurchNobility, 2024, 3:00
Radhika Vyas, Ravin Vyas, Ramesh Vyas (India) – Panchtatva via Canvas, 2019, 1:44


Tushar Waghela (India) – Phantom of a Fertile Land, 2009, 8:00
Kate Walker (USA) – Cloudship, 2018, 14:33
Yiou Wang & Alina Tofan /China/Romania) – Water Always Goes Where It Wants to Gom 2024, 05:02
Liu Wei (China) – Hopeless Land, 2009, 7:28
Simon Welch (France) – “Domain and Range”, 2015, 6′
Sarah Whelan (USA) – Construction, 2016, 2:38
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Listen 2019, 3:20
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Melting Fields, 2019, 8:35
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Bellevue, 2020, 7:00
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Sunrise, 2019, 5: 46
Barry Whittacker (USA) – Sugar Water, 2021, 4:02
Peter Whittenberger (USA) – If Only We Had Eyes To See, 2023, 03:34
Katrin Wölger (Austria) – ana fagri saves the world, 2009, 4:55
Arthur Woods (Switzerland) – My Launch to Greater.Earth, 2017, 9.55


Yuval Yairi & Zohar Kawaharada (Israel) – Land, 2013, 4:36
Müge Yildiz (Turkey) – Praise of ther Jellyfish, 2016, 3:42


Yarik Z (Russia) – In Search of Lost Time, 2017, 5:55
Xiaowen Zhu (China) – Terminal island, 2013, 10:50
Tatiana Zubchenko (Ukraine) – Genus. Code Unsealing. , 2019, 3.15
Wim Zwier (Netherlands) – All What is Somehow Useful, 2013, 7.35
Monika Zywer (Poland/Germany) – Arctic Holiday, 2019, 00:01:29