The Anthropocene Project

The Anthropocene Foundry Quito 2024

23/24 August 2024

Cinemateca Nacional de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana
cinema “Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco”

The Anthropocene Foundry Quito 2024

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FI – Finiteness-Infinity
The Foundation Screening series

Part 1 – 60 minutes
Marco Joubert (CA) – A DIFFERENT GOAL, 2023, 03:26
Barry Anderson (USA) – Fragment [av24.01],2024, 4:35
Isthmaël Baudry (France) – Morphoex-Bettina, 2019, 4:00
Clay Dunklin (USA) – SERPENTalk, 2021, 03:12
Luis Carlos Rodríguez (Spain) – TEXtrucTURAS huMANas, 2024, 06:30
Silvia de Gennaro (Italy) – I Just Want to Dance, 2023, 3.29
Henry Gwiazda (USA) – Flowing, 2022, 8:17
Peter Whittenberger (USA) – To Hold, 2024, 04:58
Paolo Bandinu (Italy) – WHERE THERE IS SHADOW THERE MUST BE LIGHT, 2020, 03:10
Albert Merino (Spain) -The Present Condition, 2020, 18:10

Part 2 – 60 minutes
Fran Orallo (UK/Spain) – 2123, 2023, 4:45
Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) – Pietas for you, 2023, 3:55
Laura & Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Hole – Agujero, 2024, 09:26
Augusto Calçada (Brazil) – Selfie-destruction, 2024, 4:50
Yiou Wang & Alina Tofan (China/Romania) – Water Always Goes Where It Wants to Go, 2024, 05:02
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Pillar of Fire, 2021, 6:59
Alejandro Casales N. & Esther Lamneck (Mexico) – Broken Space in Fractal Way, 2023, 08:49
Ronit Keret (Israel) – Abyss, 2021 , 01:49
Leonardo Cardamone (Italy) – Untitled, 2024, 11.04
Farhanaz Rupaidha (Indonesia) – War Zone, 2024, 3:00
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Sunrise, 2019, 5: 46

the screening program

The Anthropocene Foundry Quito 2024 – is consisting of 2 video programs from The Anthropocene Project, including about 500 international artists, created and curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne for The New Museum of Networked Art – dealing with the human impact on nature and the natural living environment manifested in two comprehensive media collections – video art & sound art. For the screening in the framework of MIVA Festival in Quito 2024, animated contents have been selected to point to the human impact in terms of the artistic creation itself. The video artists are composing different types of self-created footage, partially using latest technology (artificial intelligence) based on a specific subjective view on the Big Creation (our world) forming new types of reality of the world they are living in. They do not only reflect the existing but go far beyond to visions of the future referring to the finiteness of life as well as the infinity of the Creation. By being confronted with, the audience in Quito becomes the foundry of a new human existence, at least in the imagination.
The Foundation Screening Series refer to the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the New Museum of Networked Art on 1 January 2000 and the current foundation process of The Agricola de Cologne Foundation for the Arts which will operate the museum from 2025 onwards.